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Lost Connections
by Johann Hari

A bit about the book…

  • Depression and anxiety are now at epidemic levels. Why? Across the world, scientists have uncovered evidence for nine different causes. Some are in our biology, but most are in the way we are living today.

    Lost Connections offers a radical new way of thinking about this crisis. It shows that once we understand the real causes, we can begin to turn to pioneering new solutions - ones that offer real hope.

    *This synopsis has been transcribed directly from the back cover of the book, Lost Connections.

  • Lost Connections is a book inspired by author Johann Hari’s ongoing battle with depression and anxiety. It employs the sub-heading, ‘Why You’re Depressed and How to Find Hope’ on its cover. Unfortunately, we feel this inclusion, though accurate, might put people who don’t identify as being depressed or anxious off reading the book. And to us, that is a shame and a huge loss.

    In our eyes, Lost Connections is relevant to all of us. It offers so much more than its sub-heading suggests. Yes, the first section of the book delves deeply into depression and how it has been distilled down to ‘a chemical imbalance of the brain’ best treated with antidepressants and no (to very little) consideration of the emotional or environmental factors the sufferer might be experiencing. It also highlights how drug companies have exacerbated and exploited the ‘chemical imbalance’ story—for their financial benefit—and just how they’ve gotten away with it for so long—which, to be blunt, is grossly disturbing.

    As the book moves into section two, after rigorously exploring and debunking the ‘chemical imbalance’ myth, Hari implores us to contemplate what leads to depression and disconnection, if not chemical imbalance. And this is where we think the book becomes relevant to everyone! Through empirical research, personal experience, expert opinion (of numerous leading scientists, researchers and medical professionals) and heart-wrenching accounts of others, Hari demonstrates how our societies are leading to detachment from ourselves, each other, meaningful values, purposeful work, nature and our health—amongst other things.

    Fortunately, after highlighting the numerous ways we’re becoming disconnected, section three provides a reprieve through several paths for reconnection, or, as Hari terms them, ‘different kinds of antidepressants’. Though hopeful and helpful with many practical measures we can implement easily and immediately at an individual level, section three also left us feeling a sense of despair.

    Our despair was due to the underlying and concurrent theme throughout the book that Hari brought to the head at its end. That theme was that, though, as individuals, we can make a difference, illicit positive change, and seek reconnection, there is only so much we can do at an individual level or by going inward. In order to experience greater reconnection and reduce depression and anxiety in our societies, we need the values and structures of those societies to change.

    Lost Connections is a deeply profound and impactful read that we’d recommend to everyone and anyone.

  • Psychology. Depression. Anxiety. Connection. Values. Nature therapy. Childhood trauma.

  • What prevalent themes did you identify in the book?

    How would you describe the author’s tone of voice or writing style?

    Can you name three feelings this book conjured in you?

    What parts of the book triggered discomfort in you?

    What parts of the book inspired or motivated you?

    Was there a passage that deeply resonated with you? If so, what was it, and why?

    Would you recommend this book to others? If so, who would you recommend it to?

    How did you feel upon finishing the book?

    What overarching sentiment were you left with upon finishing the book?

    What insights did this book offer that you can apply to your life and personal growth?

    How would you describe this book in just a sentence?

    *You can download these questions as a print-friendly PDF here.

  • Lost Connections, is currently available as an audiobook on Audible and can be purchased at major retailers, such as Booktopia and Dymocks. It can also be found t Big W for just $18.


May, 2024


March, 2024