What Makes our State, so Damn Great!

Why is Adelaide, South Australia, a Great Wine Capital?

I often hear people complaining about Adelaide, and I’ve never entirely understood it. Yes, I know; I grew up in South Australia, so I am a little biased, but I’ve also done my fair share of travel and wine drinking outside of it, and each time I return, I’m still flooded with appreciation for this great state. So much so, whenever I hear someone putting Adelaide down, I envisage myself shaking them with force and launching into a full-blown, heavily gesticulated lecture on what makes our state, so damn great.

In my imaginary (yet incredibly vivid) speech, I attribute a large portion of my monologue to the South Australian Wine Industry. Opening by rattling off the fact that South Australia is continually responsible for crushing the largest percentage of grapes in the nation (as noted in Wine Australia’s Annual Vintage Report, 2021). I then go on to articulate that not only are we the biggest by volume, but we’re also one of the most diverse wine regions in the country.

This leads to the ‘did you know’ portion of my speech… Did you know that McLaren Vale’s low altitude and the cooling breeze blowing in off the Gulf St Vincent creates a Mediterranean micro-climate, enabling the region to pioneer varietals such as Picpoul, Fiano and Sangiovese? I continue with, did you know that within only a 30-minute drive of McLaren Vale, the Adelaide Hills boasts an elevation and cool climate producing wines so delicate and refined, it’s currently one of the most listed on-prem regions in the nation (Adelaide Hills Wine Region, 2021)? I then state some facts about the sandy soils of Blewitt Springs, the unique geology of the Limestone Coast and the fact that SA has over eight unique sub-regions that can all be reached within a two-hour drive of the CBD!

After speaking about the state’s natural beauty, sustainable farming practices, winemaking superstars and the rise of our natural wine movement, I conclude by pointing out why our licence plates boast ‘festival state’!

On any given weekend in SA, and in addition to over 200 cellar doors, there’s always a plethora of wine events to pick from (bad wine pun intended). Be it Winter Reds, the Clare Valley Gourmet Weekend, Tasting Australia, Sea and Vines, city street parties, end of vintage harvest parties, hell; there are even passata parties with wine in hand (yes, I’m for real—google it); South Australia knows how to celebrate! But I’m also quick to point out that these festivities are not purely hedonistic. They promote local wine, bolster the community and sneakily expand our knowledge; whilst craftily disguising it as a good time!

But eventually, like all of our wonderful wine events, my imaginary one-woman monologue must draw to an end, and I’ll either have made an enemy or advocate of the poor person on the receiving end. Either way, I’ll be happy. My work will be done. I’ll once again have passionately advocated why Adelaide truly is a Great Wine Capital.


A big shout out to all of the amazing organisations and individuals who made this opportunity not just possible, but absolutely phenomenal.

🙏 @winecomaust
🙏 @sapirsa
🙏 @universitysa
🙏 @mclarenvale
🙏 @langhornecreekwine


Gone in 30 Questions with Karena Armstrong